Coconut oil has grown in popularity for its many benefits, one of which is a nutrient rich moisturizer for the skin. What makes coconut oil so beneficial for the skin?

Coconut oil, rich in healthy fatty acids, retains the moisture content of the skin, eliminating moisture loss through the pores, keeping it healthy and smooth, giving skin an even tone and reducing the appearance of the pores.

Coconut oil contains Vitamin-E. The contributions of vitamin-E towards skin care are widely documented. It is essential for healthy skin growth, repair of damaged skin, keeping skin smooth and protecting against cracking. Above all, it prevents premature aging and wrinkling of the skin, since it has good antioxidant properties. Coconut oil has been praised and popularized for its anti-aging properties.

Coconut oil is rich in many proteins. These proteins keep skin healthy and rejuvenated. Proteins also contribute to cellular health and tissue repair. For any damaged cells on or near the skin, a healthy of flow of proteins guarantees their replacement at a normal rate, whereas people with protein-deficient diets heal slower and can develop more noticeable scars due to the extended healing time.

The best property of coconut oil that makes it such a beneficial ingredient for use in skincare products is that it does not become rancid. When you apply it on the skin, it can work for a longer time, unlike many other oils. SEA LAND Naturals & Organics uses organic coconut oil as one of the top ingredients in almost all of our skincare creams.

Most of us use several creams and lotions for softening our skin, especially the skin of the face and hands. Coconut oil is a great skin softener and helps reduce and prevent dry and callous skin conditions.

Some people claim that coconut oil is good for several skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Several people have reported improvement when using skincare with coconut oil. However, scientific research is still ongoing in order to prove or disprove these claims. Much of the research relates to coconut oil protein, since protein does promote the body’s ability to replace sick or dying cells (that can occur with various skin disorders) with new, healthy cells. In this way, coconut oil not only treats the infection by battling the microbial bodies, it also may also help heal the damage or visible scars of that skin disorder.

Coconut oil will absorb what your skin needs and a little goes a long way. Apply a little at a time to avoid waste. If your skin appears oily, simply dab with a tissue to absorb the excess. Once you become accustomed to what your skin needs, you may be pleasantly surprised how little cream you have to use each morning and night.